Rachelle Falls

Rachelle Falls

Founder, human resources professional, The Corporate HR Girl

Rachelle Falls holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business from West Virginia University and a Master’s degree in Strategic Human Capital Management from Georgetown University. She’s a blogger for multiple websites, including Risesmart.com and blogs on her own site, TheCorporateHRGirl.com. Rachelle is an HR pro, conference speaker and just completed her second year as the Virginia SHRM Social Media Director.

Based in the Washington, D.C. area and with 15 years of industry experience, Rachelle Falls is Founder of Sun Strategies - a consulting firm providing engagement solutions that focus on building relationships with candidates and customers across social platforms, all while expanding the organization’s brand and increasing visibility in the market place.

Core competencies: Human Resources, Social Media Marketing, and Brand Management. Clients include Big 4 professional services firms, emerging technology, HR administration and the retail industry - from Washington, D.C. to California to London.